

Sunday brunch at GenoHotel


Let yourself be spoiled!

At the first Sunday of the month from 11 a.m. we offer you a rich brunch buffet with a large selection of cold and warm dishes, fine salads and tempting desserts.

In addition to international specialties, the menu also includes classics from the region.

Coffee, tea, juices and a glass of Prosecco are included in the price of € 29,90 per person.

Children from 6 - 11 years pay only € 14,90. Infants up to 5 years are invited by us.

The following prices apply on special dates: € 33.50 per person / children aged 6 - 11 € 16.90.

Current dates 2025:

Sunday, 05.01.2025

Sunday, 02.02.2025

Sunday, 09.03.2025

Sunday, 06.04.2025

Special date Easter Sunday, 20.04.2025

Special date Easter Monday, 21.04.2025

Special date Mother´s Day , 11.05.2025

Sunday, 01.06.2025

Sunday, 06.07.2025 

Sunday, 07.09.2025 

Sunday, 05.10.2025

Sunday, 02.11.2025

Sunday, 07.12.2025

Subject to change!

Phone: +4922058030 or E-Mail:

The team of the GenoHotel Forsbach is looking forward to meeting you!


E-Mountain Bike Rental


"Fresh air? Freedom! Bicycle!"

We have a very special offer for our hotel guests; explore the beautiful Königsforst and its surroundings in a relaxed and effortless manner: no problem with the "built-in tailwind" of our e-mountainbikes!

At the latest with the beginning of spring this tingling sensation starts again and we get the desire to go outside: Out into the open air, into nature, with sunrays on our faces, explore the surroundings and enjoy life. A bicycle tour is just the right thing to do. There are a total of 5 high-quality e-mountainbikes in different sizes available. We also provide you with useful equipment such as bicycle helmets, repair kits and much more.

For reservations and questions, please contact our reception at 

+4922058030, or

So, on the saddle, ready, go!

1 Room2 Room3 Room

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